What is the Difference Between Advertising and Advertisement?


Definition: Advertising is simply calling the attention of the public to something, usually a product or service. It includes persuading an audience to take action, typically regarding commercial offerings (products/services). It is also known as ‘ad’ or ‘advert’ and cuts across various forms such television ads, print advertisements, product placements and infomercials.

Advertising is also a marketing strategy where space is paid for to promote a product, service through messages. The aim of every advert is to reach and persuade a certain audience to purchase a given product or service.

idea client
An Ideal Customer

YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER: To identify people who will be interested in your products & services, examining demographic factors is crucial. And this includes; gender, age, education level, income level and so on. Clearly defining who your ideal customer is, will allow you to select effective advertising channels for your brand and maximize reach as well as minimize cost. Of course, you can buy an ad space on PearAd for less but if your ideal customers are luxury-oriented, you should advertise on Southern-Brands for premium reach.


  • PRINT AD– Examples of print advertisement include newspapers, magazines, direct mailers etc. It is considered one of the most popular forms of advertising.



  • BROADCAST AD– This encompasses television, radio and even internet advertising with commercials being a crucial element. This form of advertising compared to print media, achieves broader reach; making it a tool for mass marketing to both local and international audiences.


  • OUTDOOR AD– Outdoor advertising can also be called out-of-home advertising. The consumers of this type of ad can only access them when they step outside their homes. However, this type of ad is now being taken to the online space (Pear Media & Marketing does this for her clients at no cost when you advertise with them). This consist of billboards, transit advertising, posters, etc.



  • DIGITAL AD– This form of advertising is not so new but is mostly used and has found many ways to stay on. It’s the first choice of many persons typically because most customers are on the online space almost throughout the day. Here, you can find this as means of reaching your ideal customers via digital ad; online display ads, search engine marketing, social media ads etc.


Digital Advertisement


Advertising is the method through which the product, service or brand is promoted to an audience, aiming to generate interest, engagement, and sales.

They are guaranteed methods of reaching an audience. While advertisement is the prepared information sold out to an audience for promotion.


Pear Media & Marketing is a firm that is specialized in advertising/marketing brands and businesses. We have worked with over one hundred (100) brands from their planning stage into nurturing stage to their blossom stage. Advertising with Pear Media raises your brand’s bar when it comes to publicity. You will always come correct advertising with them.

With Ads-Tracking, they go an extra length to monitor their clients’ advert placement as they can be vandalized by natural disasters or theft. We trust you have built a foundational knowledge on ‘advertising’ with the illustrations in this blog. You can let us know what other topic you will like us to write on via the comment section below. See you in the next blog, stay informed!


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